So one of the most popular questions I've received is "what is Huntington chicken?" To be fair I will share a little downfall about my recipe designing. I have this horrible habit of scanning recipes and going YUM sounds good to me! It falls into the category of not knowing all the lyrics to all the songs and making up my own verse. In looking at this dish I did the mental note.
Chicken - check
Cheese - check check
Pasta Shells - oh yeah!
I will have you know exactly what Huntington Chicken is. While putting this together you cook chicken breast. Chop into bite size pieces. Cook pasta as one normally cooks pasta. Add Chicken broth and flour mix together. {INSERT LOUD RECORD SCRATCH} Wait what? This calls for a gravy? With pasta? HOW DID I MISS THAT? I will admit that with great trepidation I continued on with this dish. Added a little bread crumb on top and baked it for 30 minutes.
Prior to placing this questionable dish I explained to Mr. G that I was unsure about this dinner so if it's a fail we can get pizza. My fail safe bribe.
I have to say this dish is AMAZING!! It was cheesy as you would expect Mac N Cheese to be and was not as I feared pasta drowning in gravy. Totally delicious. To categorize this I would say that this is total comfort food. The second category GUY FOOD. Guy's I promise you this one is a winner for belly.
So that friends is exactly what Huntington Chicken is. Happy Friday Eve!! And don't forget today is ORDER DAY!!!! wooo woooooo.